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United States of America
Breed Registries AKC/American Kennel Club akc.org
UKC/United Kennel Club www.ukcdogs.com/
Breed Clubs Irish Water Spaniel Club of America/IWSCA iwsca.webs.com
IWS Health Contacts:

Laurel Baglia

Health Databases CERF/Canine Eye Registry Foundation http://www.vmdb.org/cerf.html
  CHIC/Canine Health Information Center www.caninehealthinfo.org
  OFA/Orthopedic Foundation for Animals www.offa.org
  Penn Hip http://research.vet.upenn.edu/pennhip
  IWS Thyroid Study www.iwsthyroidstudy.com

2010 Health tests required to advertise litters on the IWSCA website:
- Passing Hip-score (Excellent, Good, Fair) After the age of 2 years old. Results can be found at the OFA database.
- Elbow evaluation. Results must be made public. (Results can be found at the OFA database)
- Thyroid test, twice in the lifetime of breeding stock. (Results can be found at the OFA database)
- Eye examination (The first evaluation must be over 2 years of age and repeated at least one time during lifetime).
- (Results can be found at the OFA database).

All breeding stock must be free of any genetic disorders and/or must be removed from a breeding program if they consistently produce quality of life genetic disorders.

Irish Water Spaniels that are issued a CHIC number, have the former health tests performed and the results of these tests released to the public. (Results can be found at the CHIC database)